Pickering XSV 3000 replacement stylus- are they worth it?

to say that I am enamored with the performance of the XSV 3000 on the new Technics 1200G is an understatement.  How are the replacement styluses for this cartridge?  are they worth it?  I have the original Stereohedron and although is still performs very well, well, nothing lasts forever. 
Sure, I’m happy with XSV/5000 and low impedance XSV/7500, both with original styli. Superb cartridges. When I bought them I sold several samples of my XSV/3000 and a few styli, one was for XSV/4000 which is better than 3000 series. What is good about XSV/3000 is the price (still very low) and it’s indeed one of the best for Technics. If you like your XSV/3000 my advice is to seach for XSV/5000 (or at least XSV/4000), they are more expensive for sure.

Top Pickering and Stanton cartridges must be in every serious collection in my opinion.

The situation with almost every vintage good MM today is that a stylus alone (nos) cost almost like the cartridge with stylus. 

Can't find the original? They are too expensive?
Send email request to Expert Stylus in UK for their Paratrace stylus, this company is well known among Stanton/Pickering fan boys (and Decca fans). They are over 40 years in business and it seems like the original Stereohedron stylus was manufactured in Europe.   
I believe there is a discussion elsewhere on this forum about Pickering XSV replacement styli sold in the USA. I think the vendor is LP gear. The LP gear product bears a Shibata stylus. In my opinion and in the opinion of several others who contributed to that thread, the Shibata stylus should be very satisfactory as a replacement for the stereoHedron. Plus, it’s not super expensive. Chakster did not agree.
Dear @tzh21y : Lewm is rigth and Shibata shape is better than  the original Stanto/Pickering.

This is what you need:


Pretty reasonable price for that Shibata, if you wanted a nude 
mount by a retipper you'd likely have multiply the cost
X  2.5 to 3.