He has already pulled the trigger on the VTL I-85. I am a little concerned about the supposedly horrendous customer service from this company though. Well, it is done now ... too late at this point.
@avitacom --
Its sound is very similar to a good solid state amp except in lower frequencies where it is inferior to a good solid state amp.
I talked to a couple of folks who have owned the newer version of the IT-85 and their impressions were just the opposite, i.e. tube-like sound in the upper frequencies and midrange (holographic, big, lush, etc.), but better bass than most tube amps due to its healthy wattage. Is it possible that VTL has made improvements in the new model? Anyways, it goes to show how everyone hears differently based on system synergies and listening habits. The good news is that as he continues his speaker search, I will get to try it out in my main and secondary systems in the meantime. I can compare it to other amps I have in the house -- Qualiton a50i and Moonriver 404. I recently sold the Blackhawk but it has not been that long (3 weeks) so hopefully I can do some comparisons albeit not side by side.