In house for review: AricAudio's Super 300B SET amplifier & Western Electric 300B tubes

I have in-house for review, for the Stereo Times website, the Aric Audio two chassis Super 300B SET amplifier and a pair of new production Western Electric 300B tubes. I don't think its possible, unless he would do it on purpose, for Aric to design or build anything less then superlative tube based preamplifiers and amplifiers. I have reviewed four of his creations and they all were wonderfully built and produced beautiful music. When I reviewed his two chassis 211 SET for 6Moons, it was obvious that his gear competed with the most highly regarded companies products, but at much more sane prices.

The Super 300B SET two chassis amplifier has lived up to my expectations regarding a world class level of performance, based on its huge over sized power supply and what tubes he uses to drive the pair of 300B's to create pristine colors, 3D imaging, an intimate connection with the music, but not overly lush to the point of losing dynamics/speed inherent in music. Part of the review will also contain my take on the Western Electric's current production 300B tube, compared to at least three other very highly regarded 300B tubes. So far, the combination has had me listening for hours with sonic bliss!

Hopefully, my Stereo Times review will come out before the end of the year with all the details. Just wanted to give you Gon members a heads-up if your are in the market for a 300B SET amplifier to consider putting Aric's Super SET two chassis design on your "holiday list". 

Teajay (Terry London)
Hey Roxy54,

Some type of virus totally screwed-up my ability to use my AudioGon name that I used for years. Therefore, I created a new name/account to be able to post.
I envy you. Except for the writing part. Never been a big fan of deadlines.
Playing with cool gear, yes.
Writing, no.

I’ve been looking at this amp and can’t wait to read the review. Kind of annoyed that the longer I wait to finally make a decision and order something from Aric, the busier he’s going to get. 
@amorstereo contact Tammy at and she can help you access your original account if you would prefer to use it.