For those skeptical about the effects of spring footers (and it's good to be skeptical), we had a discussion over on ASR on the subject.
First I'd note that when I mentioned the sonic change from putting spring footers between my speakers and wood floor, a member there whose specialty was literally noise vibration (also did work for some turntable companies) replied:
No surprise at all.
Spikes couple the speaker to the floor so, depending on the floor type, spiking the speakers to it is just like adding a huge area cabinet vibration to the sound.
Using polymer type footers only absorbs vibration at relatively high frequencies so couples the cabinet vibration to the floor at low frequencies as well.
Springs of the correct stiffness will decouple the speaker from the floor giving a similar increase in quality to a well engineered cabinet over a crappy one but probably bigger (coupled floor area being bigger than cabinet area).
It is basic noise and vibration stuff I used to do research in 45 years ago.
As a rule of thumb for the isolation to be effective over the whole frequency range the isolating springs will deflect around 1" due to the weight of the mass being decoupled. The smaller the deflection the higher the frequency above which isolation will be taking place."
Another member posted measurements showing coupling vs decoupling:
Finally, this is very interesting. It's a video from the Swiss speaker manufacturer Credo, explaining the effects of isolation vs a speaker sitting on a floor or spiked, demonstrated with measurements.
It includes measurements of a Townshend isolation platform along with their own platform measurements. They also measure the effects of such isolation in terms of the speaker sound in an actual room. It seems to map quite well to the effects I heard in my room: