Anyone using the Pete Riggle Woody?

My next tonearm was always going to be a Terminator or a Schick. Lately I've looked at the Woody. It seems fussy and a real oddity. Yet it exists. Anyone here use one? 
I have a VPI HW19 Mk IV turntable. I used to have a OL Rega 250 tonearm mounted.  The cartridges I have used are a Dynavector 20 lomc and also a Shelter 501 mkIi with a Soundsmith retip which I currently have mounted.

First off compared to the Rega it is a time consuming process to setup.  However, it’s sound is truly great.  The music is warm but detailed, the soundstage is huge both horizontally and deep. I was truly stunned at how much better it is than the Rega.

If you have the money I recommend this tonearm.  For me, once I set it up it becomes much easier to make adjustments or reset up in the future if you must.

Good luck 

Cool arm, of course it is the inventor is a former Boeing wind tunnel rat - like me.

Seriously, anybody own the 9” and comment about fussiness after initial setup ?