Anyone using the Pete Riggle Woody?

My next tonearm was always going to be a Terminator or a Schick. Lately I've looked at the Woody. It seems fussy and a real oddity. Yet it exists. Anyone here use one? 
Just saw this and have to throw in my two cents.
I have a Woody universal. ( 2+ years now )
Gone are a Moerch DP8 and a Fidelity Research FR66s.
That says a LOT.
To my ears, the Woody bested them both.
Yes, it's a touch difficult to set up initially. Lots of variables and somewhat finicky.
But once I got it dialed in, I haven't had to touch it again. In my experience, it doesn't need constant fiddling.
It simply sounds like music every time I lower the stylus onto the record.
Every time.
Of course, YMMV, as always.

BTW, deck is an Amazon Grand Referenz, so no slouch and not holding back any observations and allowing the Woody to perform at it's best.

FWIW, I could hit Lotto tomorrow and the only thing I would buy would be another Woody, probably an SPU

Cheers, Crazy Bill.

PS. Hoping everyone is staying safe in all this craziness.
I have a VPI HW19 Mk IV turntable. I used to have a OL Rega 250 tonearm mounted.  The cartridges I have used are a Dynavector 20 lomc and also a Shelter 501 mkIi with a Soundsmith retip which I currently have mounted.

First off compared to the Rega it is a time consuming process to setup.  However, it’s sound is truly great.  The music is warm but detailed, the soundstage is huge both horizontally and deep. I was truly stunned at how much better it is than the Rega.

If you have the money I recommend this tonearm.  For me, once I set it up it becomes much easier to make adjustments or reset up in the future if you must.

Good luck 

Cool arm, of course it is the inventor is a former Boeing wind tunnel rat - like me.

Seriously, anybody own the 9” and comment about fussiness after initial setup ?