No response from seller

Why do so many sellers don’t have the courtesy to answer simple question. I’ve been wanting to buy a passive preamp from a seller in Ca. Sent 3 emails, one a week and not one reply. It’s easy to check he’s been on audiogon as of yesterday. He has positive feedback, not many.
if you decided not to sell cancel the damn add.
still looking but rest assured if he ever reply’s he’ll get the same treatment from me.
im to old to play these childish games
thanks for hearing me out
OP what can we do to help? Is there something you're looking for in a certain price range? Don't say 10k, all you'll see is my dust.. :-)

1. A line stage with remote? 
2. Do you need a phono stage too?
3. You are sure you're going to be happy without tone control?
4. The DAC, you have that covered?

There are a few preamps that will do 2,3,4 and have a remote too.

I wish there was a GREAT way to add remotes to things like a C11,20, 22s or MX110z. I'd sell everything I have If I could have that.

Mac C20 III tone control is like Manna from heaven. My favorite of them all. C2500 or 2600 is right there for having it ALL. add Telefunken valves in there to one up that rig..

We'll help, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Mine being Farm Girl. :-)

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