Townshend Pods under TT Don’t Do

well with all the talk about how great the Townshend Pods are I decided to try a set of Pods under my TT. I found out the hard way, Don’t do this. I have a good TT on a good rack and it sounds very good. With the Pods I had to sneak up on my TT to change the VTA or to que it up. It would start shaking with the lightest of touch. I bought the correct Pods for the weight of my TT. The Pods didn’t harm the sound but didn’t improve the sound either. I will use the Pods under one of my pre amps for now. I can maybe say they might work under equipment but don’t suggest you use them under a TT.
‘I was very disappointed in the results. Maybe your results will be different.
I have three TT, SOTA Sapphire with engineered in suspended from springs subchassis. Brinkmann Bardo on an HRS ( Harmonic Resolution Systems ) base that includes many technologies including springs..

And even a vintage B and O TX with internal springs lauded by Lederman of Soundsmith fame… 

Enjoy the journey and the music !

Joe - super good call on Symposium, the real deal for sure. Always solid engineering.
My main table is a non suspension type, ClearAudio Master Solution.
 I really like having a non suspension TT. My second TT  does have a suspension, Oracle Delphi. I have had the Delphi for 30 years plus. I’m very accustom to TT with springs. The CA turntable is the first TT I have owned without a suspension. I’m 72 years young and I’m very good at setting up any TT. I really like my CA table and it was my mistake to put springs under it.
Turntables that are designed with suspension work great. Suspending a turntable yourself, not so much.