Esoteric UX-1: How "noisy"?

To all of those who have an Esoteric UX-1 or X-1: can you hear the disc spinning from, say, 10 feet away? I realize that Esoteric has built a massive assembly but on quiet passages I can distinctly hear the "whirring" of the platter. It's distracting, to say the least. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Mgottlieb, before you send your beloved 60lbs baby across the continent in its original slightly flimsy triple-box for some elective bowel surgery, you may want to buzz again the Teac America gang, and ask them to ship you one of the new bigger-sturdier triple cartons which include thicker and more rigid inner packing material. Your X-01 will be eternally grateful. . . or at least for a couple more years it will!
Yes Mgottlieb, I believe TEAC may charge approx $60 for the new and improved X-01/UX-1 packaging.
I've owned a DV-50s and now own a UX-1; neither unit has any audible sound of the disc spinning from 10 inches or 10 feet away (or right next to the unit...