Cary V-12 blowing capacitors


I have a pair of Cary V12 monoblocks one of which is blowing capacitors. It was initially sent in to cary as it was the 3 Amp fuses. They initially replace the capacitors and sent it back. It worked briefly and then started blowing fuses again. It went back to Carrie and this time they replaced both transformers. It did work for a couple of weeks but yesterday when I turn it on and was in the standby mode I heard a crackling noise from inside the amp and 3 amp fuse blew again. There was a large puddle of oil in the back of the amp which is from the capacitor. So it seems like something is still not repaired correctly which is causing the capacitors to blow which maybe is why the fuses are blowing. With it being to cary twice and they are not really sure what's happening has anyone else had this issue?
@whataboutbob1 - this is one of Dennis Had’s expired ads on eBay:

His eBay moniker is radioman731, you might try sending him a message via eBay. Scroll down the page until you see the listing details and over on the right you will see a link to contact the seller.
Post removed

In this picture you can SEE the Hexfred were not replaced.. THEY were not upgraded. You can clearly see the old diode that Cary used in the original design.

Buddy not only were you sold a bill of goods you didn’t even get the basic service upgrade of hexfreds or super hexfreds in the PS, not to mention the filter caps.. This just keeps getting better..

The blown resistor is just that.. its a bleeder resistor.

NONE of this stuff would have happened if the filter caps (ALL of them) were replaced at once..

The pop was the coupling cap charging. Don’t flip the stand by switch so quick on a cold start.. give it 5 minutes at least.. The machine was hotrodded without a PS upgrade.. What did the tech expect..

Learn or expect to spend a lot of money in the future and ruin some fine amps.. 150.00 right now for all three.. :-) I’ll fix all three in 60 minutes..

You want to buy a watch? I got a watch.. You got a spare bedroom?

Corn I like corn on the cob.. You got corn.. I work cheap.. :-)

I own one, blind folded one handed.. One of the best amps EVER made.. I love um' The Red ones.. LOL
@whataboutbob1 There is a good point made in the posts immediately above. Since this cap failed its probably a good idea to have them all changed- in both amps.

Cary, IMO, owes you the repair on this one. Based on what they told you they had a serious misdiagnosis, on something that should have been rote.
If the main PS Caps were already replaced and failed again, I would be looking at the rectifiers, its possible they may have failed and some AC is being seen by the caps.