Help me decide on first turntable purchase

This is my first turntable purchase. Last time I had a TT was when I was teenager in the 80's. I don't have much vinyl at all so I have to buy records as well. Budget is $3000, really don't want to go over that. I need a phono stage as well. My system is Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII, PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated. My digital is a Innuos Zenith mkIII into a Chord Qutest. My initial thoughts on a couple tables were the Mofi Ultradeck, Music Hall 7.3 and Rega Planar 6. I am sorry but I just don't like the look of the Technics stuff. I am not a big fan of the Rega looks either but I know it gets great reviews. I was considering a Clear Audio Concept until I joined the Facebook owners group and hear about all the motor speed problems. Initial phone Pre I was looking at were the Mofi and KC Vibe. The Ultradeck seems very solid and seems to get great reviews.
Thank you for your thoughts. 
I was like you, I got back into vinyl last year after switching to digital almost 40 years ago. I wanted to be conservative and not spend too much money in case I don’t like it.

I ended up getting a Project Classic. It was selling at a discount last year because the new EVO model came out. I paired it with my good old Shure V15 Type IV, and a Vincent PHO 701 phono stage.

I have to say I never did find the sound was that good. It was different, but not better than my digital setup with Lumin T2.

I decided to upgrade earlier this year and bought the Mofi Ultradeck with the MasterTracker combo. What a huge difference, the Mofi sounds much better, and a lot quieter than the Project. I can’t say I’ve listened to many turntables, but I think the Mofi is a solid choice at its price point.

I also upgraded my phono stage to a Herron, based on the overwhelmingly good reviews here in this forum. I now love my analog setup.

Good luck!
If you don't mind a unusual design, Well Tempered Labs makes a very good sounding turntable.
+ 1 for the Well Tempered! The Simplex is in your price range. There also may be some used ones.