No response from seller

Why do so many sellers don’t have the courtesy to answer simple question. I’ve been wanting to buy a passive preamp from a seller in Ca. Sent 3 emails, one a week and not one reply. It’s easy to check he’s been on audiogon as of yesterday. He has positive feedback, not many.
if you decided not to sell cancel the damn add.
still looking but rest assured if he ever reply’s he’ll get the same treatment from me.
im to old to play these childish games
thanks for hearing me out
Thank you for noticing it was meant to draw attention.  I run a software company and a Professor at a top 5 University so time is valuable.  People that are passionate get involved whilst many sit on the sidelines... I do appreciate your desire to read while some of us like to educate and that was my first post BTW....
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Of any of you want topology critiques as a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff or DMTS before I was 26 at Bell Labs I am here to help and assist or provide advice please don't hesitate to reach out.  I want to assist and cut through the BS on people slumming equipment as I had tons of people trying to sell broken electronics