Avantgarde or Tonian?

Hello, I am relatively new to the SET world. But I was thinking to match my Berning Siegfried (the 811-10 version, 10WPC, OTL) with either a pair of Avantgarde Unos or a pair of Tonian Classic 12.1. Has anyone had direct experiences with both of them? I know they're both good but I was wondering if anyone had first-hand experience of pros and cons. Thanks.
Avantgardes are plenty "musical" if properly set up and driven. If you heard them with Lamm ML2s, you'd not disparage their musical satisfaction...have not heard the Bernings, though they have a very good rep.
Ggavetti what don't you like about the Ocellia sound? I think any PHY based speaker is the more musical speaker over the avantgarde speaker. The avantgardes are good sounding speakers but more hi-fi sounding than musical and in the long run the Tonian or Ocellia wold be my choice.
What does "more hifi sounding than musical" mean? Hi fi used to mean high fidelity. High fidelity was the goal. What in the blue h--- happened?
Hello. I think the Ocellias are great speakers, don't get me wrong. The model I have might have a better extension in the upper frequencies. I have considered adding a supertweeter. Tonians use the same driver but they also mount a ribbon tweeter and I've read superlative reviews. So, I was curious.

By the way, the Berning Siegfried is the best amplifier I've ever listened to (and I had pretty good ones, but for the most part push-pull).
I've heard Avantgardes many a time and they can sound amazing but I can also understand when someone says they sound hi-fi sounding what is meant. They tend to grab your attention and make you take notice and say wow! On the other hand I've owned single driver speakers and now a PHY based speaker and it doesn't have that wow factor but let's me forget about the gear and just enjoy the music.

(dealer disclaimer)