Yeah, Only go Class D if you want to contribute to the global electronics waste problem and the planned obsolesce of the manufacturers to keep the cash flow rolling.... Find a sweet used Class A. Or find a rebuilt AB adcom or musical concepts hafler on ebay. There is a reason that dead adcom and hafler amps go for close to retail when they were new compared to dead class D amps, which go for well, nothing. They just sit there. Who really wants to mess with repairing Hypex power supplies and surface mount micro components. No one. Hey just my rant as a DIY guy but maybe some of who you have positive experience(s) repairing class D crap can chime in. Buy the best F** the rest. Quality pays it doesn't cost. Class D is car amp tech do to space constraint. don't let any marketing convince you otherwise. I don't care if I haven't heard it beyond the quite impressive volvo amps I've heard, the pcbs will all be in the landfill. Peace