The overall advantage with the Klark TekniK item or similar ones is that we have de control of that " tailored " kind of quality performance and we are not at out of control an at random like with the boutique combination caps.
In that regards there is nothing that can does the caps for we can have the control we are in the caps " hands ". Now, our items in the audio systems already came with caps ( that makes it's technical job. ) and the eq. path is for fine tunning that audio room/system: advantages are to many to name it here but just " think about ".
In that regards there is nothing that can does the caps for we can have the control we are in the caps " hands ". Now, our items in the audio systems already came with caps ( that makes it's technical job. ) and the eq. path is for fine tunning that audio room/system: advantages are to many to name it here but just " think about ".