"I have the best system in the world!" An Audiophile's Journey

I had long been a die-hard agnostic when it came to high-end audio cabling, magic fuses, nanotechnology rhodium outlets, and products with purported anti-vibrational properties. After all, I have a degree in electronics from the Teccart Institute. I can’t be fooled into believing such nonsense!
I have the best system in the world! — PMA (pmamedia.org)
As if you are in any way, shape or form qualified to critique the guy. SMH

Get over yourself "genius"
Just the norm for @jasonbourne52. Nothing to see here....
Refreshing article.

I admire his willingness to continue to experiment and to continue to learn.

If only we ALL could be a little more like that.

That system and room look absolutely fantastic.

"The depth of his speaker appear deeper than the height of many tall towers.

Does anyone know the make and model of them, I did not see it perusing the article?"

The speaker brand is Peak Consult - the model is Dragon
Looking at this system it may be expensive but nothing in that room I would consider best of , I am sure it sounds very good ,but after hearing $$ Million dollar systems the sky is the limit 
I have been in audio over 40 years and owned a Audio store and owned exceptional 6 figure audio systems . It should sound great 
for That much money , but $$ does not guarantee Synergy either.
I find it much more challenging , as well as rewarding to find great
products of far less monies , and even modding high quality used products which can bring exceptional results and save $$.