Psilocybin mushrooms were a lot of fun. Humans have been using them for thousands of years. THC is here to stay and will be legal everywhere soon enough. On 5 mg I am perfectly functional and the pain I have does not interfere with me as much. If you don't smoke it it is much less dangerous than alcohol. Long term effects? The long term effect of being alive is death. There is nothing fun about aging. I know many very smart successful people who use THC on a regular basis. Might they be more successful not using? Maybe but, who cares.
My own ability to analyze the quality of a recording or system does not change with lower doses of THC. It might even improve a little. With alcohol I just fall asleep. I never have more than one glass of wine. I use to like scotch but for some reason it makes me sick now, probably aging again. For me the main benefit of THC is that pain interferes less with my ability to perform in the shop or on a bicycle.
I see there are still Victorians among us. The only thing prohibition ever did for us is explode crime. Why give the criminals something to make money on when we can sell it for less and tax it at 50% to boot. We can use everyone's addiction to pave some roads.
My own ability to analyze the quality of a recording or system does not change with lower doses of THC. It might even improve a little. With alcohol I just fall asleep. I never have more than one glass of wine. I use to like scotch but for some reason it makes me sick now, probably aging again. For me the main benefit of THC is that pain interferes less with my ability to perform in the shop or on a bicycle.
I see there are still Victorians among us. The only thing prohibition ever did for us is explode crime. Why give the criminals something to make money on when we can sell it for less and tax it at 50% to boot. We can use everyone's addiction to pave some roads.