What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???

Okay I will start. 

1. Reclocker for my DAC. 
Very next step is an upgrade to my PreAmp/Dac/Headphone amp from the Burson Conductor 3 Performance to the Conductor 3 Reference(unbalanced)..
 After that maybe(BIG maybe)an upgrade from the M30.1's to a 3 way floorstander & I'm off the merry go round for good...
The new RAAL-Requisite headphone amp ($5K) for the SR1a and the new headphones they are releasing. It is a tube based design and I tend not not like tubes however, after speaking with RAAL-Requisite I am very  interested to hear it.
A new turntable arm and cartridge.  I'm pretty sure it is going to be a Clearaudio Performance DC with the Tracer arm and an Ortofon Cadenza Bronze cartridge.  I plan to drive to Atlanta next Wednesday and buy them.