Focal 1028+Mcintosh MC275

Anybody has an idea or experience if Mcintosh MC275 (2*75 Watt Tube) can have a pleasant output with Focal 1028 speakers? I usually listen to easy listening, smooth jazz, classic music.
Thanks in advance for your advise.
I have heard both those pieces but not together. You should be fine to run them together. Probably will sound nice. 
Last time I heard the MC275 was on a pair of B&W 805D3 and it did a good job of taming the highs. 
You absolutely cannot go wrong with the MC275. It has plenty of power and it is so smooth. 

The dealer I purchased my MC275 and La Scala speakers from is also a Focal dealer. They were primarily using McIntosh SS amps with tube Pre-amps all the Focal speakers. I did see a MC275 hooked up to a pair of Focals, but unfortunately didn't get to hear the combination. 

I do admit that I was probably too distracted staring at the pair of Sonus Faber SE speakers in the next room. It's not often I get to see a pair of $250,000 speakers. He did let me listen to a pair of Sonus Faber Aida's though. That was really really nice. 
