Crossover issue.

I have two identical crossovers... 1 left 1 right.
Every capacitor, coil etc... Are identical in make, value, etc and have just been redone by a reputable audio engineer.
Problem is the mid-bass section of the crossover has the right channel 8-10 db louder throughout the entire band 150 - 1500 hz. as compared to the left.
Ideas or opinions?

Thanks in advance.

BTW... I have 5 items for sale currently... Check then out. Amp, Sub, 3 sound processor units.
Sounds like something broke.  That's the idea. :)

If it were me I would take out a DATS V2 from Dayton Audio and use it to compare the impedance curves of the drivers and the crossovers to diagnose.

I also recommend asking at DIYaudio where you can actually post pictures of your findings.
Crossovers use caps and inductors to control crossover points. If any of those was off it would affect response around the crossover points. Resistors are used to help match relative volume between the different drivers. If a resistor is off it will affect volume output across the whole driver range. Which is what you are hearing. Which points to resistors.  

Find the one(s) that are used on the drivers in question. Remove them. Measure them. Replace with correct matched values. If I'm right it will be that simple.