Dear @tomwh : "
has shown me most people have not had enough exposure and or interest in what real music sound like to even begin to evaluate a system. "
But other people like you, me and some other gentlemans in this thread and out there have enough exposure to live MUSIC and know what is down there for sure in their systems and for some of us our main target or system premise is to stay truer or nearer to the recording.
So even if that is not what real music sounds like who cares. If it makes you happy thats all that matters. ""
Obviously it does not matters to you but there are MUSIC lovers/audiophiles that care about.
The "cancer " in the jigh-end world and through the audio high end room/system audiophiles is something similar to what you posted with the expression: " I like it..." Who cares " I like it "
Mijostyn has a good point here to start a dialogue in the issue, we can agree or not with graphs or not.
Which is your point here other that what you already posted. Is there something additional or that's it? or like you posted:
Just wild ass guesses posing as the truth...""
With and with out graphs there is something name it common sense that we all have in some different degrees levels and that are full of what we experienced through our audio/MUSIC life. Yes, your common sense as mine is specific and singular to each one of us.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,