The Importance of the Digital Cable

Good Sunday evening dear friends,

This point of discussion has been on my mind of late, as I have listened carefully to the results. This is a bold statement and discussed ad nauseam here I am sure, though I feel others may be encouraged to explore this more deeply as we share our experiences here.

I’ve had several digital cables, ranging from several coax, to toslink. I have not yet tried a dedicated AES/EBU XLR.

Listening to the Denafrips Pontus, a ladder DAC, fed from an Oppo UDP-205 as transport, I was compelled to try a few different cables, because the results were not as good as expected. I played a few albums; XTC ‘Nonesuch’ - a rather hot recording from the 90’s but very interesting and politically out front. Then an Everett Harp CD that highlights his wonderful sax playing. Then Robben Ford and The Blue Line, the album being ‘handful of Blues’.After that some Arjit Singh, and Tarkan (Turkish music).
The cables running from the DAC to the Pre/amp are Transparent Ultra XL (original). I like these cables because they have a very natural organic sound. They do lack some of the detail up top of some of the best in class and perhaps are a less exciting that some, but over all I love the naturalness, slight warmth in mid-bass, scale and soundstage of their sound.
But things didn’t sound quite right. I can always tell when something isn’t quite right, because it’s harder for me to get involved in the music. Some of the quieter words were too vague, and there was just a general fuzziness and vagueness overall. The soundstage was flatter and resolution of detail was lacking. The Pontus as you know, is a very good DAC, so I knew something was off.

I had the Canare digital cable in place, and decided to switch it out for my Black Cat Veloce. Wow! The sound transformed. Now the DAC truly shined. All the detail returned. The sound was certain and clear. The soundstage was very wide and the vagueness replaced with clarity. The music was now exciting and involving.

This begs the question, how can a digital cable make such a difference? After all, it is transporting a digital binary signal?
Please share your experiences.
Probably the most unexpected and profound difference I have ever heard was between a CD transport and DAC about thirty years ago. While I had already given up trying to explain why different wires sounded different, I was absolutely positive a digital connection would not depend on the wire, as analog did. When I swapped anyway just to prove it to myself, my jaw dropped… it sounded as if someone had switched components to much high grade ones.

Any inclination left before this incident to “logic out” what I was going to hear was gone after this. I read sonic reviews and listen. Although in all honesty, I put off upgrading to a high quality component streamer (its just a stream of bits, right?) by this stubborn reluctance to think it should matter with digital. Added a good streamer… jaw dropped again.
How can a power cord make any difference? After all it's only AC. How can 5 feet make any difference? After a thousand miles the last 5 feet is so critical? How can a speaker cable make any difference? As long as the wire is thick enough....  How can an interconnect make any difference? After all it is only a volt or two? How can I ask these questions? After all I'm not an engineer. Why does it matter? After all I'm not going to build anything. Why do I care? After all it doesn't help me choose components. Why don't I just buy whatever sounds the best?   

Good question.  
Thanks for the responses all. Calvin&Hobbes, Thanks for the great links and superbly detailed reply. 
So EMI / RFI comes to the fore again. Just as with streaming, this is a key culprit in sonic degradation.

Thanks GHDprentice, thats a great story on the transport to DAC. its exciting when one discovers how something considered less significant ends up making a profound difference. By the way, if you can remember what brand/kind of cable was it?

Of the two cables I mentioned, the Canare looks to be the better shielded of the two. The Veloce is beautifully constructed and ‘soft’ the way Chris does things (wonderfully), but the Canare is very well constructed too, with significant outer shielding and heavy duty connectors - although I prefer the Black Cat connectors and the general ‘feel’ of the cable. So If outer shielding has been addressed so well on the Canare, then it must be internal? I believe the metal / wire itself must influence the signal transfer integrity.

Hi Yuviarora, the Veloce I believe might use cotton as Chris utilizes Japanese cotton in his cables. You seemed to have delved pretty deeply here, trying different topology types.

Hello Melm, I thought the forum was open to discuss the subject we love. I have ‘googled’ but there is no substitute for talking with the audiophiles here with many years of practical experience. So are you saying that the digital stream/signal from computer to DAC is not a binary signal with packets etc., but rather a square wave, which is then converted to analogue by the DAC?

Jond, thanks, i will check out the Jorma digital cable.

thanks Roxy and Pauly for the response too
Yes, cable delivers digital information to D/A converter to produce analog (audio) signal. When this information is delivered in exactly same intervals then everything is always the same - perfect reproduction, but the problem is, that exact moment of D/A conversion can be affected by many factors and intervals become uneven (jittery). When this happens extra information is added to original signal. To understand this let’s imagine that you transfer constant 1kHz sinewave, but because of 60Hz noise moment of conversion (D/A clock) moves slightly back and forth in time 60 times a second. Now instead of pure 1kHz sinewave you will hear additional signals (sidebands) at 940Hz and 1060Hz at very small level. There will be many more, spaced by 60Hz, but because of smaller amplitude only first two (940Hz, 1060Hz) count. Amplitude of these sidebands will be proportional to amount of shifting in time (jitter).
These sidebands are extremely small, but still audible because they are not harmonically related to root (in this case 1kHz) signal. With many frequencies (music) there will be a lot of sidebands - practically added noise. This noise is proportional to signal level and without signal you cannot even hear it, but it is responsible for loss of transparency, loss of imaging, harshness etc.

So, now we know what happens, but why it happens? What can affect D/A conversion clock. To start with, this clock itself doesn’t have perfectly square edges and any noise in the system may add to edge (make it jagged) changing slightly moment of threshold crossing. What else? D/A clock has to be synchronized somehow with incoming S/Pdif signal, otherwise samples might get lost. It is done by taking average of S/Pdif signal word rate and using it to clock D/A converter. In spite of using average (no filter is perfect) timing variation in S/Pdif affect D/A clock. Where they come from? Electrical noise is obvious culprit. It adds to edges (making it jugged) changing moment of level recognition (threshold). Shielding, grounding, isolating etc. might help. It might be even worse for Toslink that being not sensitive to noise pickup is affected by system noise at both ends (Toslink transitions are slower).
Another culprit is reflection in the cable that adds to the edge (makes it jagged). This reflection happens when cable’s characteristic impedance is not matched to DAC input or Transport output. Beginning of the transition starts reflection from impedance boundary (usually cable’s end), that comes back and adds to rest of transition modifying its shape.

Characteristic impedance is very difficult to measure, so it is trial and error and expensive coax is not necessarily best match to impedances in your system. Shielding, of course is very important.

Hope it helps.

Hi Kijanki,

Thanks for that really superb answer. Very informative indeed. So you are reinforcing the notion that electrical noise i.e. EMI / RFI are the primary contributors to that very slight but audible change In sinewave i/ conversion clocked signal? So, aside from the clock itself, which as you indicate is never perfect, the cable transferring the digital signal is differentiated in performance primarily by ability to shield from EMI / RFI?

Hi MillerCarbon,

Thanks much for the input. I do believe powercords will be a positive upgrade for me, but I have yet to venture down that road though will in the near future. I am in the same boat as you regarding some of Synergistic Research’s products ( I have the Foundation speaker cables and set of four cable risers - which dramatically change the sound). As you’ve probably experimented with different types, can you state your preference for powercords and cables that are not priced into the stratosphere (I know some of your system is very expensive).