Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
Actually if you follow track and field you'd find that the springiness of insoles is controversial and has to be carefully governed to prevent athletes gaining an unfair advantage. 
Some consider the spring provided by current shoes to be already  cheating. Springiness is the new cutting edge. ;-)
I placed Townshend Pods under my integrated amp and dac yesterday. ( Mojo Audio Evo dac & Circle Labs A200 int amp) Really enjoying the sonic improvement over IsoAcoustics products. Putting the tech arguments to the side for a moment, these Townshend products just work and help my system sound so beautiful and engaging. I have used many other footers and consider these a step above based on my joy of listening to the results. At least in my system and to my ears. They do in fact deliver the sonic goods even as we argue over marketing videos, technical approaches and wade through a sea of off topic posts.

I also use Townshend under my speakers.


I placed Townshend Pods under my integrated amp and dac yesterday.

Bill, I’m interested to know the distance from the shelf (or platform, or floor...) to the bottom of the DAC, and the integrated amp with Townshend Pods installed.

Have you ever used a Symposium Acoustics system (shelf + Rollerblocks), or HRS system (platform + Nimbus Couplers) under these components?


I have not tried those. I have long been interested in the HRS couplers.

I have 5 B Pods under my Circle Labs A200 Int Amp. They are 2 inches in height. Amp weights 44 pounds.

I have 4 B Pods under my Mojo Audio Evo dac. They are almost 2.5 inches high. Dac weights 32 pounds.

Townshend recommends at least 30% compression and I have that on my amp, not sure on my dac. I may try 3 under my dac and hear what happens. I adjusted the Pods up on the heavy side of the dac to level. I have heavy Lundahl chokes on that side.  

It took some time to level the units which are weight loaded to one side/end with transformers. This is why I have 5 Pods under my A200. Kind of a hassle compared to other footers to be frank, but I got it done.

All on a 225 pound Sound Anchors 4 foot stand.