Is it worth it to add a music server just for FLAC files?

Hopefully someone can help with my question.

My current system is a Krell Digital Vanguard Integrated Amplifier and Wilson Cub Series 2 speakers. The Krell has a USB input that I have connected to an external hard drive that contains all of my FLAC files. I control what is playing with the mconnect app on my phone and can stream from Qobuz/Tidal/Spotify if I need to. It all works fine and sounds great to my ears.

My question is other than some GUI navigation improvements what would be gained if I ran my FLAC files through a music/network server (Aurender, etc) before inputting to the Krell? My intention at the moment is to continue using the DAC in the Krell. Not interested in Roon.

What would a music/network server add in my situation?

I know the real experiment would be to get a music server and let my ears tell me, but just trying to think this through right now.

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@mastering92 What would the tiny desktop add to my setup? SSD -> Krell Digital Integrated which includes a DAC.

BTW - I meant to say I am using an SSD not a HDD. Also I am not contemplating building a server, I would be buying something like an Aurender. :)

I will leave the FLAC/WAV discussion to the many different threads - I am aware of the pros and cons. But long story short for me is that I like the metadata that goes along with FLAC which WAV is not capable of.

Also should mention that it is my understanding music servers like the Aurender’s use regular off-the-shelf SSD drives like what I have in my current external drive.
A Rasberry PI 4 with a free program like Volumio would provide a nice looking  interface and  usb out for not much money.

There are also hats that can change I2S output to a multitude of digital outputs. 
I own a Bluesound Vault2, it’s basically what you have in one package with a DAC and a really nice user interface, in my option much better the Mconnect. My personal opinion is, I love my Bluesound vault, and I use an outboard DAc with it now, but you may not get a big boost in sound quality going to the Bluesound from what you have, but you would going to an Aurrender like an A10 with DAC or better, a N10 that can be run into any outboard DAC. 
Relax your doubts. I don’t think you’ll gain anything in SQ. mconnect is better than BluOS although I prefer piCorePlayer. People that love BluSound don’t know any better since it is dedicated and they are stuck with it.