You don’t understand
Well if you or anyone else does, I’m all ears.
What’s wrong with saying I've seen no reason how it could work, and asking how it could work?
"This gets so tiresome."
Why is wondering how something does, or could work, tiresome?
Is this a place only for the most incurious consumers? I hope not.
Why shouldn’t I be able to voice my own view that spring decouplingunder speakers makes some sense, is measurable, and I’ve heard the sonic differences?
Where putting it under certain other equipment, e.g. CD players, DACs and often enough amps seems to make no sense and nobody is explaining how it could actually work?
I’ve tried the pods under my amps and pre-amp just for the heck of it.No sonic difference at all. Is this allowed, or should this be one monolithic "no questions asked" website?