Coda Class A Amplifiers

I am wondering how Coda class A amplifiers compare with other class A designs from Pass, Gryphon, etc. I am considering their 16.0 flagship class A amplifier. Thank you!
Thanks laaudionut! I like your choice. I’m less interested in meters and other bling as I get older….just a great amplifier, with excellent connectors/posts, in an attractive case. I appreciate your input as always.
I really like the look of the VU meters on my CODA  #8 amp, but I can also imagine that  some people might find the illumination overpowering in a darkened room.
The meters actually were useful for me recently. I normally use the CODA #8 with my floorstanders. At the moderate volume levels I listen to the meters hardly move. There is a new sensitivity setting to make the meters more responsive, but it still does not dance too much for my floorstanders.

However, when I setup my RAAL SR1a headphones on the CODA #8 the meters were moving a bit more and a slight increase in volume made the meters dance. It validated my observation that the RAAL sounded better with amps with tons of power. So the meters are useful for me.
What makes the Coda 16.0 that much more expensive and heavier than the #8? I believe I read they both have a 3000 VA transformer.
If you send Doug Dale an email at he will answer all your questions. He also picks up the phone at CODA.

Tel: 916 383-3653

@audiobrian What preamp (if any) are you considering with the CODA #16. I have the CODA 07x and the Benchmark LA4 and they both are great with the CODA #8. They sound different but I love both. The CODA 07x preamp is also incredible with Benchmark AHB2 amps. My dealer also told me the LA4 preamp was used by a few of his clients with the CODA #8.