Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
“ But in the audiophile Zealot world, the only subjective experience that counts is someone who claims positive results. Negative results never count against a claim , are to be ganged up upon and belittled “

Your experience with Townshend is yours alone. Share specifically how they were used etc… When you do this we all benefit. Nothing in audio is absolute. A product works wonderfully in one situation and not another for a host of reasons, some understood and some not.

The attitude behind a post, how something is said, is very important. If something did not work for you, but does for me there is no reason for you, or other tag along posters who have not even tried the product, to speculate negatively about another person or experience.

Again, there are no absolutes here as the variables at play are too numerous and divergent. Readers here will learn from the aggregate of poster experiences shared on this forum.

I was wrong about your actual experience with these footers under electronics and apologize for that. I am always interested in all user experiences, both positive and negative, on a given product. This is precisely why this forum can be very helpful.
2am“ But in the audiophile Zealot world, the only subjective experience that counts is someone who claims positive results. Negative results never count against a claim , are to be ganged up upon and belittled “

Regrettably true.
@prof, @grannyring and @Holmz, I appreciate the respectful/thoughtful exchanges and not resorting to childish attacks.
Technically it was the inconsistent unbelievable story-telling that was shown to be inconsistent and unbelievable. I am on record over and over again always believing anyone who says they can't hear. Never argue with someone telling you they can't hear. They know what they're talking about. 

Would that the reverse were true.
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