I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.

At this point:

1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.

For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.

I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.

According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.

For many or at least some, for whatever reasons good or bad, the equipment noise floor is not such a concern or noticeable problem as it seems for you.  With all the revelatory reductions in noise floor over the years, with multiple fuses and other tweaks, is there a chance that the actual ambient noises of the recording studios or live performance halls are what is being reduced?
rsf507 >>>

It is appalling how dirty the AC power entering our homes really is. Every time I try one of these noise-lowering tweaks, I think there's no more noise to be removed. The PPT  "GATE" was extremely effective in lowering noise. At that point, I thought I had the noise issue solved for sure. Little did I know how much further the system could be taken. Again, after installing more tweaks and devices to lower noise, I thought I had the noise issue solved. Then, along comes the prototype fuses. Zowie. They are really good. 

As a side note, I got the word this morning that the introduction date will be mid-October. No word on price yet. 

Stay tuned ...

jetter >>>

"... is there a chance that the actual ambient noises of the recording studios or live performance halls are what is being reduced?"

Not a chance. What is being reduced is electronic hash/noise from the AC entering the system. What that does is allow one to listen in to the recording more. Last night I was listening to a live Fleetwood Mac recording and was really taken by how present the venue was. I also played a studio recording of a jazz combo, and again, the recording venue was clearly defined.  In an earlier post, I mentioned a Bud Shank flute/Koto recording where it was like the Koto player was sitting on the floor to the rear and left of the left speaker. As I said, these tweaks, including the new prototype fuses are all working to get me closer to the music, the musicians, and the instruments they play. 


  1. From the above, it sounds like EQ and / or slight deltas in head position
  2. given that all speakers have a certain amount of inertia and below a very low threshold, do not move. Since the speakers must be moving differently to have audible deltas, with a 32 bit A/D it should be child's play to digitize the speaker feed and show the GVF* vs GPF** delta.

* - Garden Variety Fuse
** - Gold Plated Fuse
I think there's at least two different things going on Frank. The Gate and a lot of Krissy's stuff I think of as more of a sink than a filter. Can't be a filter in the normal sense because nothing goes through it. It is not in the circuit, at least not in the normal way we understand a circuit. She will probably have a heart attack but I have explained this a few times and it is so alien to our understanding of electricity I have total confidence in being able to explain it clear as day and yet no one gets it. The Gate is an open circuit. A lot of this stuff is. Shouldn't even work. But it does.   

Then there is your Mat, your QSA Stones (which I just tried last night) and other stuff that is even less of a circuit. This is stuff that just lays there sort of close and therefore can only act via field control. Everything electrical has a magnetic field which is why it is called an electromagnetic field the one goes with the other they are one and the same we just like to divide stuff up even when it is the same thing.  

This brings us to the fuse. How's the fuse gonna filter anything? It could be made of materials used in the first two situations. Something like used in the Stones or Mat - or TC or NPS for that matter. This is in fact what we do when we dab some TC or NPS on the fuse. Nobody ever said it can be only one thing. We can do it all.   

But the main thing I think is going on with the fuse is a massive improvement in power transfer speed.   

You probably already know the way faster hexfred diodes improve detail, image depth and liquidity. Same for higher quality power supply caps. I think the fuse is working the same way. Not filtering, but simply allowing power to flow so much smoother and faster that the resulting sound is clean and free of artifacts. It sounds as if it is filtered even though it is not.  

Anyway, whatever it is and however it works the results are freaking fantastic. I put six of those little Stone things on my Raven last night and it was absofreakinglutely insane! Yes a big part is Claire Marlo and Michael Ruff are superbly recorded. But, come on, man!  🤣🤣😍😍 The improvement, to mix metaphors, was yuge! 🤣🤣 Bigly!😁😍