If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear

This even without hearing it. The pieces are so beautiful I don’t see how they could not sound fabulous. The Sp10s look like they are built like a tank. I’d even buy their equipment racks. Maybe someday or maybe I’ll purchase something from their sister company Fleetwood sound. 
I would like to hear their stuff.  If it sounds good, then the price is something each prospective customer has to decide whether or not to pay and it is not for others to decide whether it is ridiculous.  Small production products of proprietary design are necessarily costly. The designs are old school.  I’ve heard a number of modern builds using old designs and vintage parts and they can be terrific sounding.

A friend heard OMA speaker and did not like them.  But, I still would like to hear them myself.
It's all relative, crazy ugly to me. Even if I heard it and it sounded wonderful, I would have to do some deep soul searching to put that gear in my house.
The more I read the more I like. The prototypes platter looks nicer to me with the greenish lights rather than what appears to be  orange dots on the finished plinth.  The caged style Tone arm almost has to be built like that to favor the plinth! How else could it be built to match the plinth? What a work of engineering how the direct drive is built.  I'm on your side chalkster  
He has some really interesting stuff, and his decision that he would rather sell one thing at $100K rather than ten things at $10K seems to be pretty common these days.  I'm interested in the Fleetwood DeVille's, but I have to admit that his decision to take the price from $9,600 to $12,600 almost immediately after getting CBS Sunday Morning to come out and do a story on him gave me pause.  The product is about two or three years old and get's a 30% jump after some national publicity.   

Queue some dope to come in and cite the cost of lumber.  If you just look at his options and the price jumps (like $6K from the basic DeVille's to ones wrapped in less leather than would go on a very small ottoman) it's very clear that he's not interested in selling to audiophiles, but rather folks who want unique and will pay for it.   Good for him if he can make it work.
With ultra high end Audio, 👁 candy. Is part of the purchase .
personally I care more about what’s under the hood as far as parts 
quality . For Turntables I find these with counter rotating platters 
for lowest noise very cool 😎 under I see the $$ price tags .
nice build quality without the fare fare far more cost effective .