A turntable that plays all types of music well


I might be moving and my lenco L75 direct drive with large Nantais plinth might be sold as too bulky to want to bring along....

For new location what turntable has the PRAT and ability to play all types of vinyl music well?

I already have a good Helius Omega arm and soundsmith hyperion cart so looking for turntable only....nothing over 10K
I don't think most good turntables are genre specific. The cartridge might be the better place to look as to different genres of music. IMO.
Yes correct Lenco is idler drive but looking for non idler replacement that plays all genres well
Its quite simply impossible to design any audio equipment for a particular genre. There are no speakers, amps, preamps, cartridges, tonearms, CD players or turntables that favor any genre. They might have colorations but that will affect all genres equally. What's good for one genre will be equally good for another.

That equipment can favor a genre is likely the biggest myth in audio.
check out many turntable reviews and many of them well this turntable is ideal for classical or jazz or acoustic but not for rock ....It doesnt mean it aint good but is not quite as good for some type of music.

Lets just say most interested in recommendations for a TT from individuals that happen to play a wide range of styles of music and heartily recommend it.

I am considering the merrill real 101.3 and the helius viridia
Reference Technics SP10R drive cost about $10k, plays everything :)

If you believe in that myth about genres of music vs. equipment then you will find that DirectDrive is for Rock if you like. But I don’t believe in that sh…..

Also I must admit that music is not only divided in Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classical.

There are electronic music and live music, old music and new music, good and bad music.

How many turntables do you need to play everything?

Broadcast turntables designed to play everything (just like any good turntable), try SP10R if you looking for Direct Drive.