I’ve been asked to evaluate/beta test some new fuses that will be coming out soon. I should have them as soon as this coming Saturday.

At this point:

1. I cannot reveal the name of the manufacturer of the fuses.
2. I do not know what the retail price will be.
3. I do not know what the name of the fuse will be.

For comparison purposes, I have a full complement of SR Orange fuses that can be used throughout the system. I have one QSA Yellow fuse now being used in my ARC-PH8 phono stage, with another one to arrive soon to be used in my ARC REF-75se.

I’ll be comparing the SR Orange fuses, and the QSA fuses, with the new prototype fuses. I’ll also be using the ears of three of my well-seasoned audiophile friends, as well as my own to make the evaluations. These guys are all truth-tellers that I have full confidence in.

According to the manufacturer, these new fuses are real game-changers, so stay tuned.

MC >>>

" Anyway, whatever it is and however it works the results are freaking fantastic. I put six of those little Stone things on my Raven last night and it was absofreakinglutely insane!"

See ... that’s what I mean. Just when we think we have it nailed, along comes another product to prove how wrong we were. That’s what the prototype fuses are doing here.

On the "stones" --- I know they come in two packs and that there are three varieties. So, are you using all three varieties or all the same? Also, where are you placing them in order to get the best effects?

Oh, and by the way, the question came up by another A’goner via phone call who wanted to know if I could see inside the prototype fuses. The answer is no. The glass is completely black and can’t be seen through.

Thanks ...


Well, okay @wolf_garcia, only the sitar ;-). Harrison said he didn’t touch a guitar for a coupla years, and you can hear it. His playing on "Rain" and "Paperback Writer" (both fabulous songs) was great (and on a lot of Revolver, their last excellent album imo), next thing we knew he was writing and playing "Within You Without You", a real nothing of a song. Plus, he was no master of that Indian instrument, just a barely passable dabbler, if that.

Acid (I’ll assume) lead Lennon to think Yoko was an artist, and we got "Number 9". I rest my case! To be clear, I love "Strawberry Fields Forever" (acid drenched though it is), and about half the white album. Sgt. Pepper has a LOT of filler, a vastly over-rated album imo. The Let It Be album is dreadful, unlistenable. By the time of Abbey Road they were in my rear view mirror, left in the dust by The Band, Dylan, Van Morrison, Randy Rewman, Ry Cooder, Jackson Browne, etc. etc. They had over-stayed their welcome with me, and were passed their sell-by date.


oregonpapa OP It killed the SR Orange fuse in every respect.
So transparent.

Of course it did, that was going to be a given
There’s ulterior rewards to say it did, and nothing to reap if it didn’t.
And then to s******g with everyones head😜 to make things look legit, you’ll do a reversal on that, so the other fusee will reward you for a few more months.

I rarely post anything here. I did so this time because I had direct experience on the topic and reported it in a factual and non judgmental fashion. My reward was to be called a lier by one member and told I was in the wrong hobby by another ( I have been in this hobby for 49 years ). I am and always have been in this hobby for the enjoyment of music. I once got into a discussion with Geof Kait on the directionality of fuses and realized

You/we are lucky GK has disappeared (or been banned) he was a real comic piece of work but fitted in well in these types of threads, and his website is really out there best one is the pebbles.

As for your Maggies I had quite a bit to do with them owning the big Tympanies also, before going on to big ESL’s.

cerberus79A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member. To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference. I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference.

As you stated no difference in sound whether 10cent Bussman fuses were in or $150 SR Orange were in, to yourself or when the guys were around to do the A/B with.

Has the purpose of a fuse been lost ? How it is designed to work ? By design there is no directionality in a fuse. it is simply designed to open in an overcurrent situation. If it was directional in relation to the current passing through it would be a diode

Same thing I say to them, if it’s directional then it’s trying to be a diode, and that NOT good in either direction!

But I can tell your Maggies will sound a touch better with just a piece of copper wire soldered lightly outside of the fuse clamps and no fuses. This makes them vulnerable to an amp blowing and going dc, as you know having electronic knowledge background, but no more so than any other speaker would have no dc protection either.

You could try one of these if you want to retain the protection soldered to the fuse clamps.

Cheers George