Sub Cross Over Help

Need a little help from you guys running subs. Let me start off with what I have. Power amp, Krel FPB400 CX, KCT pre amp, Bryston CD player, B&W 804s's with a Rel R328 sub. I've been doing a lot of research and reading and learned a great deal from you guys on this site. As of right now I have the sub crossed over at 40hz. The sub is next to the left speaker 18 inches from the corner and 8 inches from the back wall. The speakers are 10 ft apart and a fot from the back wall with my 55 inch plasma TV in the center. My listening distance is 10 ft from the speakers and the room size is 17 x 14. I've used a RTA with a 40hz tone to match the sub with my full range speakers. Everything seems to sound extremely well. The imaging and sound stage is superb. Only thing I've noticed depending on the music I play. I sometimes have to turn down the gain on the sub by 5 clicks, which I'm sure is normal. The gain on the sub sits at 16 clicks from zero. Let me know what you guys think and what I can do to improve my system if any. Please let me know.
You can have good clean tight bass and if it is crossovered too high you will lose some clarity in the lower midrange. If I was you I would try to reposition my sub a little further away from the corner and back wall. I would also try lowering the crossover point and gain. Theres a lot of work involved to get the right position for a sub. If you work hard at it and have a lot patience good things will happen. When you think you have the crossover point right play some vocals and make sure the bass is not coming into the midrange. Good Luck
I did reposition the sup and It sounds the best in the corner with good bass. I can go a little lower with the X over.
Sub position and EQ are the most effective tools but both require the ability to measure performance. (See RoomEQ Wizard, Omnimic, XTZ, etc.) Doing this simply "by ear" with program material is very difficult and fraught with opportunity for error. Also, despite REL recommendations, having an appropriate high-pass filter for the main speakers is very useful.
