Recommended products for polishing Focal speakers


I got some black Focal speakers with the more exclusive “Acrylic body Black miror effect”

I guess it is some kind of plastic? And I got some small scratches and swirls that I would love to get rid of.

Any advice on products that would work? Something from Meguiars? I was advised to use some polish with a microfiber cloth and after that some kind of light window cleaner. But no product recommendations.

You never want to put wax on a clear wood finish. It will look really bad in the long run and be a PITA to keep up. Once you have it blemish free and polished you can dust it once in a while with a damp cloth. If it gets really dirty you can clean the finish with a very light polish like Meenzerna 3800.
Cars live in a very different environment than a loudspeaker and their finishes are much harder. 
I use a polymer based car wax on all my speaker. I have been doing this for 20 years and it has worked out well. Just use oil on wood. Wax on paint. 
Try the Novus products. I use the Novus 1 on my Sopra's. Perhaps once a year.
