Can the AVM 6.2 or Pass INT-60 replace my LM845P?

Hi, I would like to have a more simple system. One I can play all day without thinking about expensive tubes (:

I have the LM 845 Premium, a VERY good amplifier.

But I would like to have a more down to earth amp.

I have investigated integrated SS amps and have found the AVM 6.2ME and the Pass INT-60.

Unfortunately I will not be able to listen to any of them before buying, so I ask the brain trust for advice.

Will I be a sad man if I sell my tube amp and replace it with one of the suggested amps?


"We have been doing This professionaly for 30 years 300b and 845 tubes a have a very unique sound"

I believe that the OP can find sonic satisfaction with a good quality solid state amplifier but it will certainly  be different.

I have a sony ta-4650 (V-fet) amp and a preamp mikrolampizator valve (lukasz fikus), really better than my Sugden A21SE, it'a another world!!!
My Sansui AU-777A is also better than the sugden.
The V-fet amp are compared with triode 300b, i found better than the 845se dinan, i've compared with my friend.