I like to use dining tables for sit-down dinners, kitchen tables for lunch and snacks, turntables for music. Each of five different turntables for jazz, blues, rock, classical, and swing. Five arms per turntable allows optimization for sub-genres of each. Detachable head shells are of course a must, as how else can you be sure of using the right cartridge for each LP? There should of course be five phono stages (per turntable), and I find a walk-in closet works great for hanging the 50 or so interconnects needed to go with all of this.
Then we have the amplifiers, we need five of each type- tube and ss, SET and Push-pull, Class ABCDExpialidocious, and then back to the walk-in for speaker cables. Cable elevator- does not reach the top floor.
This is all for 33. For 45, double everything. 78? Don't ask!