If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear

This even without hearing it. The pieces are so beautiful I don’t see how they could not sound fabulous. The Sp10s look like they are built like a tank. I’d even buy their equipment racks. Maybe someday or maybe I’ll purchase something from their sister company Fleetwood sound. 
With ultra high end Audio, 👁 candy. Is part of the purchase .
personally I care more about what’s under the hood as far as parts 
quality . For Turntables I find these with counter rotating platters 
for lowest noise very cool 😎 under I see the $$ price tags .
nice build quality without the fare fare far more cost effective .
A general rhetorical query:

Why do so many here and elsewhere assume that those with six or seven figures to spend on audio gear are deaf, non-audio lovers....unable to discern good sound from bad?  The inference seems to be that only idiots who were somehow lucky enough to find a satchel of cash by the side of the road are stupid enough to stagger into Oswald's studio and hand them the satchel for something....anything.

Like alot of things in life, some things are worth it to some people. I've heard the Oswald gear briefly. It's very good.

People used to say the same thing about Air Tight, Audio Note, Kondo, Shindo, Lamm, DCS, MSB etc, etc. There aren't enough stupid and deaf people out there to keep these companies going so there is likely some innovation and superb craftsmanship taking place. Today is the golden age of our hobby, so much great gear being made today.
I think the Golden age of our hobby has long past from when it was more inclusive, and more populated people wise with music lovers first and foremost. It's very hard to argue with the scarcity of true quality pressings to buy/afford, yet here we are with turntables at 360, 000 US.
That's only Golden for the few since we are talking anologue.
We had great stuff back then and expensive stuff too. Just less of the uber stupid stuff.
Like it or not this current golden age by a huge vast majority now is a cell phone and good ear buds... 

We had our buds too...
We cleaned them using gatefold album covers...😊
Their Imperia speaker just got a Golden Ear award from TAS. That should count for something. I am now curious to hear their speakers even though I can't afford any of them.
