Magnepan 1.7 crossover capacitor improvement?

In my never ending quest to eliminate "glare" from all components I've recently realized that my MG 1.7's are a contributor. The crossover caps in them are nothing to write home about, a mixture of non descript caps including an Axon totaling 116.8uf in the mid range and an additional 10uf Axon for the tweeter. Since Axon is basically Solens which does have glare issues, I'm ready to move on. After snooping aroud it sounds like a mixture of Clarity ESA series/ 250V + Mundorf supreme replacements in the mid range and Mundorf Supreme for the tweeter would be a good choice. But i'm curious if someone here has already trod this path and found a different path thats reasonably affordable ( not Duelends and Vcaps...grin)
At this point I have glare about 95% tamed but there are still certain CD passages that cause that chalk board scraping sensation.
after one month i can tell you this is not a slight upgrade it is a massive upgrade and this new crossover assembly has taken me so close to the music its frightening...for shame magnepan for not offering a better setup to your customers or at least the option of getting a top notch setup instead of the junk that is in these speakers stock...
Thats why I quit using Maggies, nobody makes "upgrades" for Totem crossovers.
After 3 months with my upgrade I have been able to now power them with my 50 watt per side Quicksilver 6c33c mono block with plenty of room to spare no need for the 500 watts of solid state I had to use before this upgrade . Took all the trash magnepan put in their crossover circuit and deleted it and replaced it with quality crossover components and now is just a pure state of serious clean musical pathway to my source material.... The problem all along is this crossover trash they used!!!!!!!!!! Feel free to email me for detailed pics on a step by step re-modeling of your seriously and horribly compromised 1.7's
Jordi, I'm interested in doing the same to my 1.7. Wondering why you prefer an amp with lower power now that you've done the upgrade. What did you notice changed the most using the 50 watt amp?
Well the Quicksilver 6C33c'S UP TILL THIS POINT COULD handle any speaker I threw at it and these was just a ton left on the table before the upgrade and then after the upgrade more power then I ever will need full robust power typical of what I came to expect from the 6C33C TRIODE Quicksilver . After questioning SANDERS at Q-silver what I said above are basically his words...for pics just e-mail me pretty pugsley at r c n dot com