Critical listening and altered states

Ok, this is not a question about relaxing, but about listening to evaluate how the system (or a piece of gear is sounding).

What, in your experience, are the pluses and minuses of altering your state of mind for listening? This can include anything you've used to affect your everyday state of mind, from coffee, beer, scotch, tobacco, to much stronger — and psychoactive, dissociative — additives.

What do you gain by altering your consciousness in terms of what you notice, attend to, linger on, etc?
What causes more details to emerge?
What allows you to stick with a thread or, alternately, make new connections?

Or perhaps you like to keep all those things *out* of your listening; if that's you, please say a bit about why.

Good news Gene on what really matters.

My speakers are made by a Danish company that never sold in the US called Avance  AVANCE DANISH AUDIO The ESSENCE OF SOUND IS TO RESTORE THE REAL SOUND (

They use all Scanspeak classic drivers.  I sometimes thought they could use just a little more presence in the highs/upper mids.  Although I like them overall I sometimes wondered about purchasing new speakers.  I have had Triangle Antal and B&W something or another in the past.

With the Lokius I made a couple of minor adjustments and immediately now feel everything is pretty darn good.  Because it is connected via my tape loop I can just hit tape on my remote and A/B the difference with it in and out.  What a great additon to my set up.
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....I don't support the use/abuse of drags, either....very disappointing....

Altered States, the movie...obviously K.R. must have dosed with a strychnine laced product, that 'some' enjoyed for the 'intensity' it evoked.

Laughable then, absolutely ludicrous now....but then, I never enjoyed any hallucinations of that nature.  Everything just looked like polyethylene to me after awhile....*shrug*