I should mention that I also updated the entire crossovers -> Crites boards in 2017. Was a substantial improvement and heartily recommend. I also replaced the diaphragms in the squawkers, but that might not be the route you should go until you balance out the room and gear.
I also heartily agree with others that room treatments will go far and should be considered regardless of gear changes.
With regards to @wilderness comment to put the speakers close to wall, my experience would contraindicate that. The forte IIs have a passive radiator in the back that tends to muffle the hell out of bass if placed too close to the wall and corners. I am usually about 2-3 feet into room.
I also heartily agree with others that room treatments will go far and should be considered regardless of gear changes.
With regards to @wilderness comment to put the speakers close to wall, my experience would contraindicate that. The forte IIs have a passive radiator in the back that tends to muffle the hell out of bass if placed too close to the wall and corners. I am usually about 2-3 feet into room.