What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
Always felt it fell a little too close to home:

"But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell" - Matchbox 20
Beatles Within you and Without youAnd the time will come when you see we're all one, and life flows on within you and without you.
@johnto ,

It used to puzzle me why that song used to get so much flak in the first couple of decades after the release of Pepper.

I guess gradually the world is finally catching up with George:

"We were talking about the space between us all

And the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion

Never glimpse the truth, then it’s far too late, when they pass away"

Even in 2021 it’s heavy stuff indeed.

Back in ’67 it was probably a little too much for most listeners.
"She was filing her nails
 while they're dragging the lake..."

Elvis Costello - Watching the Detectives...
Cod ee say oo pay a loto   
My zeta prestige toupay a floored   
Ray indee pako a gammon   
Solar prestige a pako can nord