I’m neither a newbie nor an expert, but someone who has appreciation and some good equipment. I agree with the comments about contentiousness vs. polite conversation — even if it involves disagreement. Things that polarize tend to get posted as people want to prove their points and Twitter and forums have given too much room for angry expression of opinion.
My listening tweaks and getting to a priority usually has involved having the chance to a/b some things. That isn’t always easy because of costs and space sharing. A really odd-sounding room got me to look at room treatment so that became a priority. I randomly re-tried an amp and had forgotten how good it sounded, but not with the speakers I had, so speakers became a priority. My next listening space sounded amazing out of the box, so my priority became speaker placement. And vibration, and interconnects have been in the mix along the way.
I find the wealth of experience and knowledge on the forum to be wonderful, useful, and inspiring, whenever the indignation is in check. And the search function lets me choose what to read.