Anyone hear Jay's Audio cdt2-mk3 vs mk2?

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Has anyone tried the new CEC transport that is advertised here for around  $2500USD brand new?  

Teajay and a few other Audiogoners have owned the much pricier CEC belt-driven CD transports and they said the Jay’s Transport was better sounding...

The Project CD Box RS2 Transport is exemplary...

I have my Mk3 running for 400 hrs and believed it is fully burn in now. It is so good and makes my CD listening a whole different experience and I have to listen to my whole CD collection to redefine them. The oversampling mode is working on most of my CDs but some CDs are better without it. I don't know why. It is so much fun to listen CDs now. I was thinking to replace my Hugo 2 DAC and now I seem to happy with the DAC.
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