Speaker grill material, any real difference?

I need to replace the speaker grill material on a pair of Infinity Renaissance 90 speakers. After looking online there really is not much out there. It all seems to be the basic $15 a yard stuff. Is this what all the mfg's use? Or is there an "audiophile grade" material. I would hate to think I am spending only $30 when I could fork out the big bucks.
Speaker designers final voice their speakers with the grills on....therefore, the fabric will make a difference. Take a sample of original grill material to your fabric store and ask for a duplicate material with similar weave.
Some "grill cloth" is more accurately described as "acoustically translucent" not "acoustically transparent".

Using whatever the speakers were designed for would be prudent.
Not to miller the thread, but what type of adhesive do you recommend to attach the cloth to grill frame? Im thinking of re-doing mine (manuf. says $400. for new ) but unsure of best adhesive. The frames are metal.
@Wino- A thin bead, from a hot-melt glue gun. Work fast, as the glue cools quickly. Trim excess material with an X-ACTO #1. Done correctly; it's a whole lot neater than any other method.