"Another possibility is if your relationship to the tweeter axis has changed. Are you now sitting lower or higher than before? Did you toe your speakers in/out more?"
As a matter of fact, yes-- I have been experimenting with adjustments in speaker positioning. I thought I'd repositioned them to where they'd been before I started experiencing diminished resolution but I could be mistaken. I could certainly play around with this, more. Thanks for the suggestion.
To answer your other question, no-- I haven't done anything to the room.
"Another possibility is if your relationship to the tweeter axis has changed. Are you now sitting lower or higher than before? Did you toe your speakers in/out more?"
As a matter of fact, yes-- I have been experimenting with adjustments in speaker positioning. I thought I'd repositioned them to where they'd been before I started experiencing diminished resolution but I could be mistaken. I could certainly play around with this, more. Thanks for the suggestion.
To answer your other question, no-- I haven't done anything to the room.