Truth versus authority. In western ''culture'' there was confusion
between those two. That is why Aristoteles ruled for 2000 years
in western education. Because of his ''authority''.
For my American friends who are interested in ''phylosophical
questions'' I can recommend their own Willard van Orman
Quine about essentialism in his ''From a logical point of view''
( p. 22, 155 and 158). I am sure that his authority is much bigger
than my (grin).
between those two. That is why Aristoteles ruled for 2000 years
in western education. Because of his ''authority''.
For my American friends who are interested in ''phylosophical
questions'' I can recommend their own Willard van Orman
Quine about essentialism in his ''From a logical point of view''
( p. 22, 155 and 158). I am sure that his authority is much bigger
than my (grin).