Luxman 590axii ventilation

Question for other class A owners out there. I’m keen on picking up a Luxman 590axii but my placement is limited to a cabinet shelf with an open back/front with about 1” of clearance above the amp. I can add some ventilation holes to the shelf above, but will be limited by a center channel speaker sitting on that shelf. Am I asking for trouble with a class a amp?


Assuming the shelf is just a little wider than the amp I don't think that is enough for that amp my friend.  It is almost 300W at idle.

Now, if you have plenty of width, say 5" or more on each side then you could be OK.

The 507 is 90W at idle and the 509 is 150W.  I own the former and I would not attempt a hotter amp with only 1."  I have it on top of a shelf and use riser feet to increase the air flow beneath the unit. 

I checked the manual I have for the 507.  They do not have minimum distances, but state "... do not install the equipment in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit."

Hmm yep I’ve got 2.5” on either side, wide open front and back. I saw that too in the Luxman manual - very specific about leaving an unspecific amount of space around the amp…
I just bought that int amp and will tell you that a lot of heat generates out of the top. Me personally, I wouldn't do it with just 1" of clearance on top.