My suggestion was based on my suspicion that the AV RoomService Ltd. EVPs are constructed from Owens Coring 703, 704, and 705 Rigid Fiberglass Board that is finished with stainless steel plate and then either felt or rubber mat on either end (side?).
The paint used on the fiberglass is said to be flexible.
AV RoomService Ltd. believes in decoupling speakers and gear for best sound and they indicate their EVP product uses a glass spring (e.g., fiberglass) to transform the vibrations into heat (see quote below from AV RoomService Ltd.). I was very close to making some EVP clones to try under my subs and main speakers but ended up with springs and didn't see a reason to try something else. IMO, the most difficult processes would be cutting the board and the steel plate materials cleanly and dimensionally accurate without access to industrial cutting equipment.
Assuming the fiber board is doing all the work, I wondered how much of the benefit could be derived from a simple DIY project by putting the appropriate amount of board under the speakers resulting in compression in the range of about 10-30%. However a plate may be needed on at least one side to evenly distribute load if the speakers sit on carpet.
From the AV RoomService Ltd. website:
AV RoomService Ltd. believes in decoupling speakers and gear for best sound and they indicate their EVP product uses a glass spring (e.g., fiberglass) to transform the vibrations into heat (see quote below from AV RoomService Ltd.). I was very close to making some EVP clones to try under my subs and main speakers but ended up with springs and didn't see a reason to try something else. IMO, the most difficult processes would be cutting the board and the steel plate materials cleanly and dimensionally accurate without access to industrial cutting equipment.
Assuming the fiber board is doing all the work, I wondered how much of the benefit could be derived from a simple DIY project by putting the appropriate amount of board under the speakers resulting in compression in the range of about 10-30%. However a plate may be needed on at least one side to evenly distribute load if the speakers sit on carpet.
From the AV RoomService Ltd. website:
EVPs de-couple vibration transmission (>90% from 5 Hz. on up). They do so by transforming the mechanical energy into thermal energy. EVPs keep the signal integrity intact by keeping vibrations at bay.