Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.


Good news is that there is an eBay seller offering reproductions of the 755. He is coupling the cone/frame to a larger improved motor (magnet/voice coil/spider). They look real nice! About $600 a pair.
Put each 755 in a one-to-two cubic foot sealed cabinet and you'll have something real special! Add a tweeter + cap on top of the cabinet for the last two octaves.
For my taste, the 756 with a tweeter is considerably better and more versatile (sounds good with more types of music) than the 755.  
Altec;'s are dateed.
You guys need to dump the old techs and get into the new high techs.
'hats off to Altec for what they brought you.
But we must move on to high fidelity.
This is not 1990, we are  2 decades into the 21st C.
Folks are free to stay with old low sens box types, if they wish,
I 'm with the chinese , audiophiles that dumped the low sens for the new highs ens wide bands.
In this case I think the chinese audiophile is either a  bit more honest, or a bit more smarter.
I think its both. 
vs the USA audiopFool

@mozartfan you might want to look into the Tangband 1772. Its a bit easier to drive.

PHY, Voxitiv and Cube make drivers that are more efficient and sound better. Some are suitable for Open Back operation, allowing for fairly simple execution of a speaker. Some are also suitable for back-loaded horn applications; this will get you the deepest bass available for a given driver.

With any 'full range' driver you'll want to supplement with a tweeter, possibly rear- firing to help deal with the very beamy highs that all 'full range' drivers have. This will require having the speakers a few feet from the wall behind them. This helps if you are a little off-axis, the tonal balanced won't be lacking the extreme highs.