Speaker suggestions at around $30k

What speakers would you recommend I listen to? To be driven by a high power solid state amp in a small to medium, well damped room. Around $30k price range. Preferences in order are:
1. Tremendous detail
2. Large open 3D soundstage
3. Clean, lively, and exciting
4. Vocals with great realism and emotional content
4. Extended highs (slight brightness to suit my room)
5. Moderate, controlled mid and deep bass
etc.. etc.. :)
Your recommendations and reasons please!
A lot of great speakers at $30K. I've heard the Sashas and they're definitely fabulous.

Although I haven't heard the KEF Blades, the review and sonic description in TAS certainly matches your criteria. If I were in the market they'd *definitely* be on my short list--a full-range point source? Hard to beat if well executed, and KEF has been refining the coincident driver for decades. In fact, the guy behind the TAD coincident driver is an ex-KEF guy.

I've heard other coincident driver KEFs and they definitely pull you into the music.
I own GamuT RS5i speakers and drive them with a Coda #16. These floor standers check all of the boxes for me and are right your price point.