Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.



Is this your new place to come to and decompress after a hard day of being schooled @ Diyaudio?

I find your categorization of a one of the most technologically advanced societies in the world really disheartening and insulting to the fundamentals' that America was based on.


I find it honest, it doesn't bother them, it doesn't bother me. I chose where I live just like my forefathers. It's only insulting if you're the guy at the end of the stream. OR the guy here in America or anywhere else blaming poverty on 2.7 billion people in one region ALONE. 

7.9 billion people on earth. What America is based on is Greed, it's NEVER been so obvious in MY life. 

Read above 970K speakers, EVERYTHING has gone up 50% minimum in 18 months.. America? Remember blessings aren't endowed upon nations, It's the people of a nation that are blessed, by their ACTIONS...

Technologically advanced? They stole most of the TECH they currently have and play catchup to India for over 500 years, NOW.. 
Their citizenry is nothing more than fodder for their government in the "event of", just about anything or in the name of anything that happens..

Wonderful place, open sewage ditches. Africa twice as bad as that and NO WATER..  Got AK47s, but no water, got machetes but no food? Makes sense to me.. Geeze..

When you've been there you might have a little better understanding.
Here we kinda share the GREED..  Walk a mile in my shoes.... If I ever get that book wrote you'll understand...

Heavy - You should read a great book, i will send it to you. Linda Ronstadt told me about it - The Dreamt Land… wait for it…ALL about water and greed…in wait for it…… California.

I will send you my copy…..

PM me an address, report my post so Tammy can ok contact info…
By Mark Arax, right..  Water is worth MORE than gold, they pump billions of gallons to SoCal, there wouldn't be an LA basin if not for the Delta..

Water is life, plain and simple.. It's ruined the echo system HERE, very little worth while fishing here any more.. You got to know your spots for green trout, or Delta black bass.. Crawdad and catfish if you have a good spot.

I've dove The Great Barrier, most of the gulf and a lot of the pacific coast 45 years ago.. I worked as a welder for a while, good money if you like being under water, WORKING.. :-)

I was on the Santa Barbra oil spill as a kid too. That was fun... The mess that left.. Mercy..

extra points Heavy, my best to you, dog and rabbit. keep the water bowls full brother